Departmental Publications
A simple, chronological list of publications by NJIT Biology faculty, staff and students.
For publications by the Rutgers faculty, please see their website.
Coleman, Melissa J; Day, Nancy F; Rivera-Parra, Pamela; Fortune, Eric S; 2021. Neurophysiological coordination of duet singing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,118, 23.
Sankey, DWE; O'Bryan, LR; Garnier, S; Cowlishaw, G; Hopkins, P; Holton, M; Fürtbauer, I; King, AJ; 2021. Consensus of travel direction is achieved by simple copying, not voting, in free-ranging goats. Royal Society Open Science, 8, 2, 201128.
Blackiston, Douglas; Lederer, Emma; Kriegman, Sam; Garnier, Simon; Bongard, Joshua; Levin, Michael; 2021. A cellular platform for the development of synthetic living machines. Science Robotics, 6, 52, eabf1571.
Lutz, Matthew J; Reid, Chris R; Lustri, Christopher J; Kao, Albert B; Garnier, Simon; Couzin, Iain D; 2021. Individual error correction drives responsive self-assembly of army ant scaffolds,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,118,17.
Barden, Phillip; Engel, Michael S; 2021. Fossil social insects. Encyclopedia of Social Insects, 384-403.
Sosiak, Christine E; Barden, Phillip; 2021. Multidimensional trait morphology predicts ecology across ant lineages. Functional Ecology, 35, 1, 139-152.
Mapalo, Marc A; Robin, Ninon; Boudinot, Brendon E; Ortega-Hernández, Javier; Barden, Phillip; 2021. A tardigrade in Dominican amber. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288, 1960, 20211760.
Tai, Xiaonan; Venturas, Martin D; Mackay, D Scott; Brooks, Paul D; Flanagan, Lawrence B; 2021. Lateral subsurface flow modulates forest mortality risk to future climate and elevated CO2. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 8, 084015.
Schwaner, MJ; Hsieh, ST; Braasch, I; Bradley, S; Campos, CB; Collins, CE; Donatelli, CM; Fish, FE; Fitch, OE; Flammang, BE; 2021. Future tail tales: A forward-looking, integrative perspective on tail research. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61, 2, 521-537.
Moffett, Mark W; Garnier, Simon; Eisenhardt, Kathleen M; Furr, Nathan R; Warglien, Massimo; Sartoris, Costanza; Ocasio, William; Knudsen, Thorbjørn; Bach, Lars A; Offenberg, Joachim; 2021. Ant colonies: building complex organizations with minuscule brains and no leaders. Journal of Organization Design, 10, 1, 55-74.
Haspel, Gal; Severi, Kristen E; Fauci, Lisa J; Cohen, Netta; Tytell, Eric D; Morgan, Jennifer R; 2021. Resilience of neural networks for locomotion. The Journal of Physiology, 599, 16, 3825-3840.
Chak, Solomon TC; Baeza, Juan Antonio; Barden, Phillip; 2021. Eusociality shapes convergent patterns of molecular evolution across mitochondrial genomes of snapping shrimps. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38, 4, 1372-1383.
Bel, Andrea; Cobiaga, Romina; Reartes, Walter; Rotstein, Horacio G; 2021. Periodic solutions in threshold-linear networks and their entrainment. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 20, 3, 1177-1208.
Christie, Kevin W; Severi, Kristen E; 2021. Motor behavior: A feedforward circuit for zebrafish escape. Current Biology, 31, 15, R965-R967.
Jelley, Chloe; Barden, Phillip; 2021.Vision-linked traits associated with antenna size and foraging ecology across ants. Insect Systematics and Diversity, 5, 9.
Schneider, Anna C; Fox, David; Itani, Omar; Golowasch, Jorge; Bucher, Dirk; Nadim, Farzan; 2021. Frequency-Dependent Action of Neuromodulation. Eneuro, 8, 6.
Pena, Rodrigo FO; Rotstein, Horacio G; 2021. The voltage and spiking responses of subthreshold resonant neurons to structured and fluctuating inputs: resonance, loss of resonance and variability. bioRxiv, 448368.
Tanvir, Zainab; Rivera, Daihana; Severi, Kristen E; Haspel, Gal; Soares, Daphne; 2021. Evolutionary and homeostatic changes in morphology of visual dendrites of Mauthner cells in Astyanax blind cavefish. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 529, 8, 1779-1786.
Ennis, Caroline C; Haeffner, Nariah N; Keyser, Cameron D; Leonard, Shannon T; Macdonald-Shedd, Austin C; Savoie, Avery M; Cronin, Timothy J; Veldsman, Werner P; Barden, Phillip; Chak, Solomon TC; 2021. Comparative mitochondrial genomics of sponge-dwelling snapping shrimps in the genus Synalpheus: Exploring differences between eusocial and non-eusocial species and insights into phylogenetic relationships in caridean shrimps. Gene, 786, 145624.
Wilson, Megan; Barden, Phillip; Ware, Jessica; 2021. A Review of Ectoparasitic Fungi Associated With Termites. Annals of the Entomological Society of America,114,4,373-396.
Daur, Nelly; Nadim, Farzan; Bucher, Dirk; 2021. Synaptic dynamics convey differential sensitivity to input pattern changes in two muscles innervated by the same motor neurons. Eneuro, 8, 6.
Gorur-Shandilya, Srinivas; Cronin, Elizabeth M; Schneider, Anna C; Haddad, Sara Ann; Rosenbaum, Philipp; Bucher, Dirk; Nadim, Farzan; Marder, Eve; 2021. Mapping circuit dynamics during function and dysfunction, bioRxiv, 451370.
Christensen, Lindsey; Adams, Hallie R; Tai, Xiaonan; Barnard, Holly R; Brooks, Paul D; 2021. Increasing plant water stress and decreasing summer streamflow in response to a warmer and wetter climate in seasonally snow‐covered forests. Ecohydrology, 14, 1, e2256.
Szemere, Juliana Reves; Rotstein, Horacio G; Ventura, Alejandra C; 2021. Frequency-preference response in covalent modification cycles under substrate sequestration conditions. NPJ Systems Biology and Applications, 7, 1, 1-18.
Zaki, Haider; Lushi, Enkeleida; Severi, Kristen E; 2021. Larval Zebrafish Exhibit Collective Circulation in Confined Spaces. Frontiers in Physics, 9, 678600.
Pena, Rodrigo FO; Rotstein, Horacio G; 2021. Oscillations and variability in neuronal systems: interplay of autonomous transient dynamics and fast deterministic fluctuations. bioRxiv, 448371.
Ito, Takuya; Brincat, Scott L; Siegel, Markus; Mill, Ravi D; He, Biyu J; Miller, Earl K; Rotstein, Horacio G; Cole, Michael W; 2020.Task-evoked activity quenches neural correlations and variability across cortical areas. PLoS Computational Biology, 16, 8, e1007983.
Pilkiewicz, KR; Lemasson, BH; Rowland, MA; Hein, A; Sun, J; Berdahl, A; Mayo, ML; Moehlis, J; Porfiri, M; Fernández-Juricic, E; 2020. Decoding collective communications using information theory tools. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17, 164, 20190563.
Barden, Phillip; Perrichot, Vincent; Wang, Bo; 2020. Specialized predation drives aberrant morphological integration and diversity in the earliest ants. Current Biology, 30, 19, 3818-3824.
Soares, Daphne; Niemiller, Matthew L; 2020. Extreme adaptation in caves, The Anatomical Record, 303, 1, 15-23.
Perrichot, Vincent; Wang, Bo; Barden, Phillip; 2020. New remarkable hell ants (Formicidae: Haidomyrmecinae stat. nov.) from mid-Cretaceous amber of northern Myanmar. Cretaceous Research, 109, 104381.
Tai, Xiaonan; Anderegg, William RL; Blanken, Peter D; Burns, Sean P; Christensen, Lindsey; Brooks, Paul D; 2020. Hillslope hydrology influences the spatial and temporal patterns of remotely sensed ecosystem productivity. Water Resources Research, 56, 11, e2020WR027630.
Flammang, Brooke E; Marras, Simone; Anderson, Erik J; Lehmkuhl, Oriol; Mukherjee, Abhishek; Cade, David E; Beckert, Michael; Nadler, Jason H; Houzeaux, Guillaume; Vázquez, Mariano; 2020. Remoras pick where they stick on blue whales. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, 20, jeb226654.
Chak, Solomon TC; Barden, Phillip; Baeza, J Antonio; 2020. The complete mitochondrial genome of the eusocial sponge-dwelling snapping shrimp Synalpheus microneptunus. Scientific Reports, 10, 1, 1-10.
Uyanik, Ismail; Sefati, Shahin; Stamper, Sarah A; Cho, Kyoung-A; Ankarali, M Mert; Fortune, Eric S; Cowan, Noah J; 2020. Variability in locomotor dynamics reveals the critical role of feedback in task control. Elife, 9, e51219.
Cohen, Karly E; Flammang, Brooke E; Crawford, Callie H; Hernandez, L Patricia; 2020. Knowing when to stick: touch receptors found in the remora adhesive disc. Royal Society Open Science, 7, 1, 190990.
Cohen, Karly E; Crawford, Callie H; Hernandez, Luz Patricia; Beckert, Michael; Nadler, Jason H; Flammang, Brooke E; 2020. Sucker with a fat lip: The soft tissues underlying the viscoelastic grip of remora adhesion. Journal of Anatomy, 237, 4, 643-654.
Crawford, Callie H; Randall, Zachary S; Hart, Pamela B; Page, Lawrence M; Chakrabarty, Prosanta; Suvarnaraksha, Apinun; Flammang, Brooke E; 2020. Skeletal and muscular pelvic morphology of hillstream loaches (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae). Journal of Morphology, 281, 10, 1280-1295.
Levenstein, Daniel; Alvarez, Veronica A; Amarasingham, Asohan; Azab, Habiba; Gerkin, Richard C; Hasenstaub, Andrea; Iyer, Ramakrishnan; Jolivet, Renaud B; Marzen, Sarah; Monaco, Joseph D; 2020. On the role of theory and modeling in neuroscience. arXiv:2003.13825.
Tribull, Carly Melissa; Barden, Phillip; Olmi, Massimo; 2020.Hybristodryinus moutesoe (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae), a new species from mid-Cretaceous Kachin (Burmese) amber. Cretaceous Research, 114,104528.
Emam, Amany; Yoffe, Marina; Cardona, Henry; Soares, Daphne; 2020. Retinal morphology in Astyanax mexicanus during eye degeneration. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 528, 9,1523-1534.
Fortune, Eric S; Andanar, Nicole; Madhav, Manu; Jayakumar, Ravikrishnan P; Cowan, Noah J; Bichuette, Maria Elina; Soares, Daphne; 2020. Spooky interaction at a distance in cave and surface dwelling electric fishes. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 51, 14, 561524.
Hunyadi, Jocelyn; Currier, Todd; Modarres-Sadeghi, Yahya; Flammang, Brooke E; Clotfelter, Ethan D; 2020. Morphology, performance and fluid dynamics of the crayfish escape response. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223,15, jeb219873.
Walsh, Justin T; Garnier, Simon; Linksvayer, Timothy A; 2020. Ant collective behavior is heritable and shaped by selection. The American Naturalist, 196, 5, 541-554.
Gallman, Kathryn; Fortune, Eric; Rivera, Daihana; Soares, Daphne; 2020. Differences in behavior between surface and cave Astyanax mexicanus may be mediated by changes in catecholamine signaling. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 528, 16, 2639-2653.
Schwaner, M Janneke; Deming, Sarah; Kmec, Julie A; Flammang, Brooke E; 2020. Parenting Through Academia as a SICB member. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 60, 3, 549-558.
Samson, Julia E; Ray, Dylan D; Porfiri, Maurizio; Miller, Laura A; Garnier, Simon; 2020. Collective Pulsing in Xeniid Corals: Part I—Using Computer Vision and Information Theory to Search for Coordination. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 82, 7, 1-12.
Barden, Phillip; 2020. Extinction through Ancient Compound Eyes. American Entomologist, 66, 1, 64
Stark, Eran; Rotstein, Horacio G; 2020. Neuronal resonance can be generated independently at distinct levels of organization,bioRxiv, 117309.
Rotstein, Horacio G; Santamaria, Fidel; 2020. Present and future frameworks of theoretical neuroscience: outcomes of a community discussion. arXiv:2004.01665.
Franci, Alessio; O’Leary, Timothy; Golowasch, Jorge; 2020. Positive dynamical networks in neuronal regulation: how tunable variability coexists with robustness. IEEE Control Systems Letters 4:946-951.
Bel, Andrea; Rotstein, Horacio G; 2019. Resonance-Based Mechanisms of Generation of Relaxation Oscillations in Networks of Non-oscillatory Neurons. Extended Abstracts Spring 2018, 155-159.
Bel, Andrea; Rotstein, Horacio G; 2019. Membrane potential resonance in non-oscillatory neurons interacts with synaptic connectivity to produce network oscillations. Journal of computational neuroscience, 46, 169-195.
Bel, Andrea; Torresi, Ana; Rotstein, Horacio G; 2019. Inhibition-based relaxation oscillations emerge in resonator networks. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 14, 405.
Capshaw, Grace; Soares, Daphne; Carr, Catherine E; 2019. Bony labyrinth morphometry reveals hidden diversity in lungless salamanders (Family Plethodontidae): Structural correlates of ecology, development, and vision in the inner ear. Evolution, 73, 2135-2150.
Crofts, SB; Shehata, R; Flammang, BE; 2019. Flexibility of heterocercal tails: what can the functional morphology of shark tails tell us about ichthyosaur swimming?. Integrative Organismal Biology, 1, obz002.
Daur, Nelly; Zhang, Yang; Nadim, Farzan; Bucher, Dirk; 2019. Mutual suppression of proximal and distal axonal spike initiation determines the output patterns of a motor neuron. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 13, 477.
Elie, Julie E; Hoffmann, Susanne; Dunning, Jeffery L; Coleman, Melissa J; Fortune, Eric S; Prather, Jonathan F; 2019. From perception to action: The role of auditory input in shaping vocal communication and social behaviors in birds. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 94, 61-70.
Emam, Amany; Yoffe, Marina; Cardona, Henry; Soares, Daphne; 2019. Retinal morphology in Astyanax mexicanus during eye degeneration. Journal of Comparative Neurology, .
Gamel, Kaelyn M; Garner, Austin M; Flammang, Brooke E; 2019. Bioinspired remora adhesive disc offers insight into evolution. Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 14, 56014.
Golowasch, Jorge; 2019. Neuromodulation of central pattern generators and its role in the functional recovery of central pattern generator activity. Journal of neurophysiology, 122, 300-315.
Golowasch, Jorge; 2019. Neuronal homeostasis: Voltage brings it all together. Current Biology, 29, R641-R644.
Lau, Joanna YN; Bianco, Isaac H; Severi, Kristen E; 2019. Cellular-level understanding of supraspinal control: what can be learned from zebrafish?. Current Opinion in Physiology, , .
Leiser, Randolph J; Rotstein, Horacio G; 2019. Network Resonance: Impedance Interactions via a Frequency Response Alternating Map (FRAM). SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 18, 769-807.
Martinez, Diana; Anwar, Haroon; Bose, Amitabha; Bucher, Dirk M; Nadim, Farzan; 2019. Short-term synaptic dynamics control the activity phase of neurons in an oscillatory network. eLife, 8, e46911.
Martinez, Diana; Santin, Joseph M; Schulz, David; Nadim, Farzan; 2019. The differential contribution of pacemaker neurons to synaptic transmission in the pyloric network of the Jonah crab, Cancer borealis. Journal of neurophysiology, 122, 1623-1633.
Middleton, Eliza JT; Garnier, Simon; Latty, Tanya; Reid, Chris R; 2019. Temporal and spatial pattern of trail clearing in the Australian meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus. Animal behaviour, 150, 97-111.
Niemiller, Matthew L; Bichuette, Maria E; Chakrabarty, Prosanta; Fenolio, Dante B; Gluesenkamp, Andrew G; Soares, Daphne; Zhao, Yahui; 2019. Cavefishes. Encyclopedia of Caves, 227-236.
O'Bryan, Lisa Renee; Abaid, Nicole; Nakayama, Shinnosuke; Dey, Tanujit; King, Andrew J; Cowlishaw, Guy; Rubenstein, Daniel; Garnier, Simon; 2019. Contact calls facilitate group contraction in free-ranging goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 73.
Pena, Rodrigo FO; Lima, Vinicius; Shimoura, Renan O; Ceballos, Cesar C; Rotstein, Horacio G; Roque, Antonio C; 2019. Asymmetrical voltage response in resonant neurons shaped by nonlinearities. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29, 103135.
Privat, Martin; Romano, Sebastián A; Pietri, Thomas; Jouary, Adrien; Boulanger-Weill, Jonathan; Elbaz, Nicolas; Duchemin, Auriane; Soares, Daphne; Sumbre, Germán; 2019. Sensorimotor Transformations in the Zebrafish Auditory System. Current Biology, 29, 4010-4023. e4.
Ray, Subash K; Valentini, Gabriele; Shah, Purva; Haque, Abid; Reid, Chris R; Weber, Gregory F; Garnier, Simon; 2019. Information transfer during food choice in the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 67.
Robin, Ninon; D’haese, Cyrille; Barden, Phillip; 2019. Fossil amber reveals springtails’ longstanding dispersal by social insects. BMC evolutionary biology, 19, 43842.
Rotstein, Horacio G; Nadim, Farzan; 2019. Frequency-dependent responses of neuronal models to oscillatory inputs in current versus voltage clamp. Biological cybernetics, 113, 373-395.
Rotstein, Horacio G; Tabak, Esteban G; 2019. Analysis of spike-driven processes through attributable components. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 17, 1177-1192.
Soares, Daphne; Pluviose, M; Zhao, Y; 2019. Ontogenetic development of the horn and hump of the Chinese cavefish Sinocyclocheilus furcodorsalis (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Environmental biology of fishes, 102, 741-746.
Tran, Trinh; Unal, Cagri T; Severin, Daniel; Zaborszky, Laszlo; Rotstein, Horacio G; Kirkwood, Alfredo; Golowasch, Jorge; 2019. Ionic current correlations are ubiquitous across phyla. Scientific reports, 9, 43839.
Tuci, Elio; Trianni, Vito; King, Andrew; Garnier, Simon; 2019. Novel Technological and Methodological Tools for the Understanding of Collective Behaviours. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6, 139.
Uyanik, Ismail; Stamper, Sarah A; Cowan, Noah John; Fortune, Eric S; 2019. Sensory Cues Modulate Smooth Pursuit and Active Sensing. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 13, 59.
Akcay, Zeynep; Huang, Xinxian; Nadim, Farzan; Bose, Amitabha; 2018. Phase-locking and bistability in neuronal networks with synaptic depression. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 364, 44064.
Biswas, Debojyoti; Arend, Luke A; Stamper, Sarah A; Vágvölgyi, Balázs P; Fortune, Eric S; Cowan, Noah J; 2018. Closed-loop control of active sensing movements regulates sensory slip. Current Biology, 28, 4029-4036. e4.
Cohen, Karly E; Hernandez, L Patricia; Crawford, Callie H; Flammang, Brooke E; 2018. Channeling vorticity: modeling the filter-feeding mechanism in silver carp using μCT and 3D PIV. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221, jeb183350.
Delcourt, Johann; Miller, Noam Y; Couzin, Iain D; Garnier, Simon; 2018. Methods for the effective study of collective behavior in a radial arm maze. Behavior research methods, 50, 1673-1685.
Espinasa, Luis; Robinson, Jenna; Soares, Daphne; Hoese, Geoffrey; Toulkeridis, Theofilos; Toomey III, Rickard; 2018. Troglomorphic features of Astroblepus pholeter, a cavefish from Ecuador, and possible introgressive hybridization. Subterranean Biology, 27, 17.
Garnier, Simon; Caplan, Joel M; Kennedy, Leslie W; 2018. Predicting dynamical crime distribution from environmental and social influences. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 4, 13.
Grimaldi, David A; Sunderlin, David; Aaroe, Georgene A; Dempsky, Michelle R; Parker, Nancy E; Tillery, George Q; White, Jaclyn G; Barden, Phillip; Nascimbene, Paul C; Williams, Christopher J; 2018. Biological inclusions in amber from the Paleogene Chickaloon Formation of Alaska. American Museum Novitates, 3908, 13516.
Ireland, Tim; Garnier, Simon; 2018. Architecture, space and information in constructions built by humans and social insects: a conceptual review. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373, 20170244.
Kass, Robert E; Amari, Shun-Ichi; Arai, Kensuke; Brown, Emery N; Diekman, Casey O; Diesmann, Markus; Doiron, Brent; Eden, Uri T; Fairhall, Adrienne L; Fiddyment, Grant M; 2018. Computational neuroscience: Mathematical and statistical perspectives. Annual review of statistics and its application, 5, 183-214.
Katzke, Julian; Barden, Phillip; Dehon, Manuel; Michez, Denis; Wappler, Torsten; 2018. Giant ants and their shape: revealing relationships in the genus Titanomyrma with geometric morphometrics. PeerJ, 6, e4242.
Lapolla, John S; Barden, Phillip; 2018. A new aneuretine ant from the Paleocene Paskapoo Formation of Canada. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 63, .
Li, Xinping; Bucher, Dirk; Nadim, Farzan; 2018. Distinct co-modulation rules of synapses and voltage-gated currents coordinate interactions of multiple neuromodulators. Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 8549-8562.
Madhav, Manu S; Jayakumar, Ravikrishnan P; Demir, Alican; Stamper, Sarah A; Fortune, Eric S; Cowan, Noah J; 2018. High-resolution behavioral mapping of electric fishes in Amazonian habitats. Scientific reports, 8, 43844.
Moser, Helen L; Doe, Anton P; Meier, Kristen; Garnier, Simon; Laudier, Damien; Akiyama, Haruhiko; Zumstein, Matthias A; Galatz, Leesa M; Huang, Alice H; 2018. Genetic lineage tracing of targeted cell populations during enthesis healing. Journal of Orthopaedic Research®, 36, 3275-3284.
Russell, KN; Russell, GJ; Kaplan, KL; Mian, S; Kornbluth, S; 2018. Increasing the conservation value of powerline corridors for wild bees through vegetation management: an experimental approach. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27, 2541-2565.
Severi, Kristen E; Böhm, Urs L; Wyart, Claire; 2018. Investigation of hindbrain activity during active locomotion reveals inhibitory neurons involved in sensorimotor processing. Scientific reports, 8, 43841.
Zhou, Yujia; Vo, Theodore; Rotstein, Horacio G; McCarthy, Michelle M; Kopell, Nancy; 2018. M-Current Expands the Range of Gamma Frequency Inputs to Which a Neuronal Target Entrains. The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 8, 13.
Antikainen, Henri; Driscoll, Monica; Haspel, Gal; Dobrowolski, Radek; 2017. TOR‐mediated regulation of metabolism in aging. Aging cell, 16, 1219-1233.
Anwar, Haroon; Li, Xinping; Bucher, Dirk; Nadim, Farzan; 2017. Functional roles of short-term synaptic plasticity with an emphasis on inhibition. Current opinion in neurobiology, 43, 71-78.
Barden, Phillip; 2017. Fossil ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): ancient diversity and the rise of modern lineages. Myrmecological News, 24, 43860.
Barden, Phillip; Boudinot, Brendon; Lucky, Andrea; 2017. Where Fossils Dare and Males Matter: combined morphological and molecular analysis untangles the evolutionary history of the spider ant genus Leptomyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera: Dolichoderinae). Invertebrate Systematics, 31, 765-780.
Barden, Phillip; Herhold, Hollister W; Grimaldi, David A; 2017. A new genus of hell ants from the Cretaceous (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Haidomyrmecini) with a novel head structure. Systematic Entomology, 42, 837-846.
Barden, Phillip; Ware, Jessica L; 2017. Relevant relicts: the impact of fossil distributions on biogeographic reconstruction. Insect Systematics and Diversity, 1, 73-80.
Blivis, Dvir; Haspel, Gal; Mannes, Philip Z; O'Donovan, Michael J; Iadarola, Michael J; 2017. Identification of a novel spinal nociceptive-motor gate control for Aδ pain stimuli in rats. Elife, 6, e23584.
Burke, Dennis A; Rotstein, Horacio G; Alvarez, Veronica A; 2017. Striatal local circuitry: a new framework for lateral inhibition. Neuron, 96, 267-284.
Flammang, Brooke E; Kenaley, Christopher P; 2017. Remora cranial vein morphology and its functional implications for attachment. Scientific reports, 7, 43835.
Flammang, Brooke E; Tangorra, James L; Mignano, Anthony P; Lauder, George V; 2017. Building a fish: the biology and engineering behind a bioinspired autonomous underwater vehicle. Marine Technology Society Journal, 51, 15-22.
Fox, David M; Tseng, Hua-an; Smolinski, Tomasz G; Rotstein, Horacio G; Nadim, Farzan; 2017. Mechanisms of generation of membrane potential resonance in a neuron with multiple resonant ionic currents. PLoS computational biology, 13, e1005565.
Garnier, Simon; Kronauer, Daniel JC; 2017. The adaptive significance of phasic colony cycles in army ants. Journal of theoretical biology, 428, 43-47.
Golowasch, Jorge; Bose, Amitabha; Guan, Yinzheng; Salloum, Dalia; Roeser, Andrea; Nadim, Farzan; 2017. A balance of outward and linear inward ionic currents is required for generation of slow-wave oscillations. Journal of neurophysiology, 118, 1092-1104.
Graham, Jason M; Kao, Albert B; Wilhelm, Dylana A; Garnier, Simon; 2017. Optimal construction of army ant living bridges. Journal of theoretical biology, 435, 184-198.
Gray, Michael; Daudelin, Daniel H; Golowasch, Jorge; 2017. Activation mechanism of a neuromodulator-gated pacemaker ionic current. Journal of neurophysiology, 118, 595-609.
Leiser, Randolph J; Rotstein, Horacio G; 2017. Emergence of localized patterns in globally coupled networks of relaxation oscillators with heterogeneous connectivity. Physical Review E, 96, 22303.
Lett, Kawasi M; Garcia, Veronica J; Temporal, Simone; Bucher, Dirk; Schulz, David J; 2017. Removal of endogenous neuromodulators in a small motor network enhances responsiveness to neuromodulation. Journal of neurophysiology, 118, 1749-1761.
Nadim, Farzan; Li, X; Gray, M; Golowasch, Jorge; 2017. The Role of Electrical Coupling in Rhythm Generation in Small Networks. Network Functions and Plasticity, 51-78.
Rotstein, Horacio G; 2017. Resonance modulation, annihilation and generation of anti-resonance and anti-phasonance in 3D neuronal systems: interplay of resonant and amplifying currents with slow dynamics. Journal of computational neuroscience, 43, 35-63.
Rotstein, Horacio G; 2017. Spiking resonances in models with the same slow resonant and fast amplifying currents but different subthreshold dynamic properties. Journal of computational neuroscience, 43, 243-271.
Rotstein, Horacio G; 2017. The shaping of intrinsic membrane potential oscillations: positive/negative feedback, ionic resonance/amplification, nonlinearities and time scales. Journal of computational neuroscience, 42, 133-166.
Rotstein, Horacio G; Schneider, Elisa; Szczupak, Lidia; 2017. Feedback signal from motoneurons influences a rhythmic pattern generator. Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 9149-9159.
Seth, Deeksha; Flammang, Brooke E; Lauder, George V; Tangorra, James L; 2017. Development of a vortex generator to perturb fish locomotion. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220, 959-963.
Soares, Daphne; Adams, Rachel; Hammond, Shea; Slay, Michael E; Fenolio, Dante B; Niemiller, Matthew L; 2017. Evolution of coprophagy and nutrient absorption in a Cave Salamander. Subterranean Biology, 24, 1-9.
Turnquist, Axel GR; Rotstein, Horacio; 2017. Quadratization: From conductance-based models to caricature models with parabolic nonlinearities. bioRxiv, 137422.
Zhang, Yang; Bucher, Dirk; Nadim, Farzan; 2017. Ionic mechanisms underlying history-dependence of conduction delay in an unmyelinated axon. Elife, 6, e25382.
Zhao, Lin; Boufadel, Michel C; Katz, Joseph; Haspel, Gal; Lee, Kenneth; King, Thomas; Robinson, Brian; 2017. A new mechanism of sediment attachment to oil in turbulent flows: Projectile particles. Environmental science & technology, 51, 11020-11028.