Undergraduate Biology and Math Training Program (UBMTP)
Undergraduate Biology and Math Training Program (UBMTP)
The Undergraduate Biology and Math Training Program (UBMTP) introduces students to the concepts of mathematical modeling of biological phenomena. Students in the program work in a biology laboratory on a specific research problem.
Applications are now accepted from sophomore and junior students for the NSF-funded undergraduate research program in Mathematical Biology. You must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident (if you are an international student, please contact Dr. Matveev about the possibility of participating in the program).
Why Should You Apply?
You will obtain valuable mathematical modeling and experimental biology training in a real research laboratory setting.
You will work on cutting-edge research projects in Cell Biology, Neuroscience, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
You will receive a generous stipend during Spring laboratory rotations and Summer research work.
You will receive additional support for travel to regional and national research conferences.
You will attain a solid foundation for pursuing a professional research career or for applying to a graduate or medical school.
Must be a Mathematics or Biology major, or a double major in one of these two fields. Students minoring in Math or Biology will be considered, as well. Please contact Dr. Victor Matveev about your possible eligibility for this program.
Must be a sophomore or a junior student.
NSF restricts stipend support to US Citizens and Permanent Residents. If you are an international student, please contact Dr. Victor Matveev for further information.